
Vokabel for Windows and Android is a completely free program that helps you to practice vocabulary in a simple and playful way. Vokabel has been around for a long time and has been used in several schools.

Enter the words you want to learn in Vokabel and run a quiz. There is several types of quizzes available including some games.

After the quiz you will get the result and Vokabel will put a star on each word you know well. Next time you run a quiz these words will be excluded. This way you will focus on the words that are hard and you will learn your homework as fast as possible.

Vokabel has many other smart features. Vokabel supports speech synthesis so that you can listen to your words. You can combined several files into one. You can also enter comments and notes on the words when you need to explain something. You can practice words in languages that use non-Latin alphabets, such as Greek, Russian, Japanese, and even languages that are written right to left, such as Hebrew and Arabic.

Install Vokabel from Windows Store

Vokabel for Windows 10/11 as an app.

Install Vokabel from Windows Store

Vokabel for Windows 8.1 as an app.

Download Vokabel for Windows 7 or later

Version 3.36 (11 December, 2021). Vokabel for desktop computers.

Install Vokabel from Google Play

Vokabel for Android. Works on many smart phones and tablets.

Vokabel for Windows 10 - Editor
Vokabel for Windows 10 - Quiz
Vokabel for Windows 10 - Flash card
Vokabel for Windows 10 - Game
Vokabel for Windows 10 - Game
Vokabel for Windows 10 - Result
Vokabel for Android - Editor
Vokabel for Android - Anagram
Vokabel for Android - Capture the word
Desktop vesion of Vokabel
Desktop vesion of Vokabel - Quiz
Desktop vesion of Vokabel - Flashcard
Desktop vesion of Vokabel - Anagram
Desktop vesion of Vokabel - Result